Noldy Rust
It would have been the early 90s when I first needed to find myself a law firm. I was already farming but went to them when I was looking at farm ownership and was recommended them by some friends.
They were always a reputable firm but there was one particular lawyer people recommended and I knew his name from rugby. Richard Grey was a good first 5/8. He was in the 1st XV while I was a mere mortal in the 3rd so it appealed to me that he could be my lawyer!
Throughout my working life, as a real estate agent and previously as a dairy farmer, the Edmonds Judd team has been there to help on a range of matters.
They’ve helped with farm purchases, Will and Trusts – all things related to farm ownership or running a farm. They’ve definitely got strong knowledge in that area.
One thing I really appreciate is how Edmonds Judd never lets the jargon get in the way.
When we put the farm in to a company, it was quite intensive so we were reliant on them to help us through the process step by step. They paint pictures using easy clear terms. They literally doodle on paper so I can understand from illustrations how it all works and goes together.
It’s always a painless process, for Trusts in particular. They work well with the accountant and become like business partners. In a small community like this, you can’t afford to get things wrong – if it goes wrong, people talk. That’s why their reputation is so valuable.
When you’re involved in the community you get to bump into them, to get to know and trust them. They care about our community too. They’re giving back, so they get back, and that’s a definite strong point for me.
It’s the personal relationships that stand out too, especially working with mutual clients through my real estate work.
We tend to put lawyers on a pedestal, but we chat to the team at Edmonds Judd and they’re just like us. I feel I can call them up and ask a question any time. No question too small. They’re open. And that builds strong relationships for life.