Edmonds Judd


Getting your affairs in order or working through the process of settling an estate can be a difficult time. The caring team at Edmonds Judd will explain everything clearly and work through the process sensitively and thoroughly.

Settling a loved ones estate is challenging for anyone to have to go through, without having to worry about complex issues on top of it all.

The process for an estate can be long and exhausting. Your “estate” is essentially everything you own, your property, and property rights, even assets with loans against them. To help with the process it is helpful to have a Will in place to plan for your family, property and assets in your life for when you pass away.

With so much that needs to go smoothly for all concerned, partner with the law firm who will be alongside you on every step of the way.

We always walk out of a meeting feeling sure we’ve got the information to make the right decisions

testimonials 1

Megan Priscott, Red Kitchen

They care about our community too. They’re giving back, so they get back

testimonials 2

Noldy Rust

We feel like we’re in safe hands with the whole team

testimonials 3

Donna and Paul Davies

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