Edmonds Judd


If you’re stepping off the farm or saying goodbye to the nine-to-five, there’s a lot to think about. Succession planning, protecting your assets, or supporting the next generation, Edmonds Judd can help the transition to this whole new phase in your life.

Making sure your legal affairs are in order is extremely important. Whether you own a business, are looking at moving into a Retirement Village or are wanting to update your Will and Enduring Powers of Attorney, the team at Edmonds Judd have the expertise and knowledge to work alongside you on every step of your journey.

There’s often a lot to sort out before you can comfortably retire, so make sure you talk to the legal team that understands both your personal and business needs knowing that all your assets have the best protection and your family is taken care of by talking to the specialist team.

We always walk out of a meeting feeling sure we’ve got the information to make the right decisions

testimonials 1

Megan Priscott, Red Kitchen

They care about our community too. They’re giving back, so they get back

testimonials 2

Noldy Rust

We feel like we’re in safe hands with the whole team

testimonials 3

Donna and Paul Davies

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