Edmonds Judd


Advance directives

Right to choose your healthcare

Healthcare choices can influence the quality of our lives. An advance directive can provide direction on the care you consent to, and do not consent to, when you are incapable of expressing your wishes.

An advance directive can be used when you do not wish to consent to a particular form of healthcare or where you wish to receive a certain form of treatment in situations where you are unable to provide instruction such as a blood transfusion or resuscitation. Your healthcare provider will consider your advance directive when you are unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to provide informed consent.

Making an advance directive

There are a variety of ways to make a directive. There are online templates (see the footnote for one example[1]), you may wish to do your own using these as a guide (remember to sign and date!) or you may want to discuss this with us.

Is it valid?

Your advance directive must be expressed in clear terms. Although your advance directive may be made orally or in writing, a written directive will provide greater certainty and clarity.

Advance directives must be made at a time when you have mental capacity and are not unduly influenced by another person. You may have to show that you have received sufficient information from your healthcare provider to understand the implications of your decision, particularly in high-risk situations such as a critical accident. The information you will need to provide to meet these requirements will depend on the circumstances of your care.

You should send your advance directive to your doctor and other health professionals who look after you. Your family should also have a copy.

Not being able to use your advance directive

Your healthcare provider may respect your advance directive if they are aware of it. There are instances, however, where healthcare providers may not use your advance directive even if they are aware of it. An example is when a health professional is obliged to provide compulsory treatment for mental disorders under the Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992.

There are also certain forms of treatment that you cannot consent to. For example, your healthcare provider cannot be compelled to assist in your death or to provide treatment that is not clinically available.

If your advance directive is uncertain, based on incorrect information or if it is unclear whether it applies to a given situation, your healthcare provider may decide to provide treatment if they believe it is in your best interests. In this instance, your healthcare provider must attempt to obtain your consent. This also applies if there is insufficient time to determine whether you have an advance directive, such as if there is an emergency or an accident. You will be given the appropriate medical care that is required at the time.

Enduring power of attorney

You may have appointed an attorney to make healthcare decisions on your behalf through an enduring power of attorney for personal care and welfare; your attorney must act in your best interests. As your advance directive is a representation of your interests, your attorney is likely to uphold the directive.

However, your attorney has a discretion on whether to uphold your directive. Ultimately, whether your advance directive will be respected will depend on its certainty and on the circumstances of your care. If your attorney decides that treatment or a refusal for treatment will better protect your welfare and best interests, they may instruct your healthcare provider to act contrary to your advance directive. It is, therefore, critical to discuss this with your attorney to ensure they understand your healthcare preferences.

How can we help?

With more healthcare options available, it is important that you have the best opportunity to decide what healthcare you would like to receive. Although there is no requirement for a lawyer to be involved in the process, we can help to ensure that your advance directive is clear, certain and applicable in most circumstances.

If you have not received treatment or have received treatment that you did not consent to, you can lodge a complaint with the Health and Disability Commissioner. If you need further guidance, please do not hesitate to your lawyer.

[1] www.myacp.org.nz/your-plan



DISCLAIMER: All the information published in Fineprint is true and accurate to the best of the authors’ knowledge. It should not be a substitute for legal advice. No liability is assumed by the authors or publisher for losses suffered by any person or organisation relying directly or indirectly on this newsletter. Views expressed are those of individual authors, and do not necessarily reflect the view of Edmonds Judd. Articles appearing in Fineprint may be reproduced with prior approval from the editor and credit given to the source.
Copyright, NZ LAW Limited, 2022.     Editor: Adrienne Olsen.       E-mail: [email protected].       Ph: 029 286 3650

For landlords, tenants and buyers

With historic amounts of rain and flooding in many regions, this year has so far been challenging for many communities in the North Island. It is anticipated that these extreme weather events are likely to become more frequent in the future.

Many properties have been damaged by flooding, landslides and silt. Some of these may be under sales agreements or leased under residential tenancy agreements. We give some advice on what landlords, tenants and buyers (who have not yet settled) can do.

Residential tenancies

The responsibility for repairing damage to a property caused by a weather event or natural disaster, including drying a property that has been damaged by flood water (and paying for the electricity to do so), lies with the landlord.

If the landlord and tenant cannot come to an agreement on the next steps, either party may apply to the Tenancy Tribunal for a way forward.

Is the property completely destroyed? If the property is no longer habitable, rent will reduce accordingly and either party may give notice to the other terminating the tenancy. A landlord must give seven days’ notice and a tenant must give two days’ notice. We recommend taking photos of the damage in case there is a dispute about whether the property is destroyed. Notices from emergency services or council officials (such as red stickers) can also be used as evidence that the property is no longer habitable.

Partially destroyed? If the property is partially destroyed, or part of the property is so seriously damaged that it is no longer habitable, rent will reduce accordingly and either party may apply to the Tenancy Tribunal for an order to end the tenancy. The tribunal may make an order terminating the tenancy if it is satisfied it will be unreasonable to require the landlord to repair the property or the tenant to continue with the tenancy at a reduced rent.

Damaged but can be repaired? The damage should be repaired at the landlord’s cost as soon as practicable. The landlord should ask a building professional whether it is safe for tenants to remain in the property in the meantime. If the tenant can remain in the property while the work is completed, the landlord and/or tenant should consider agreeing to a rent reduction to compensate the tenant for any inconvenience while the work is being carried out.

If the tenant needs to move out, the landlord and tenant should negotiate to reach an agreement. The landlord should let the tenant know how long the repairs are expected to take and when the tenant can move back in.

Bought a property but not settled?

Under the ADLS Agreement for Sale and Purchase of Real Estate, the property and chattels remain at the risk of the seller until possession is given and taken (usually on settlement day). If you have bought a property but not yet settled, the cost of repairing the damage usually lies with the seller.

Property is destroyed? If the property is destroyed or damaged so it is no longer habitable, and is not repaired prior to the settlement date, the buyer must decide to either:

  1. Complete the purchase at the purchase price, less an amount equal to the insurance payment received or receivable by the seller (unless the insurance company agrees to reinstate the property up to the insurance cover for the benefit of the buyer prior to the settlement date), or
  2. Cancel the agreement: the deposit is refunded in full and neither party can make any further claims against the other.

Damaged but can be repaired? If the property is damaged, but is still habitable, settlement takes place on settlement date at the purchase price less an amount equal to the reduction in value of the property.

The reduction in value is deemed to be equivalent to the reasonable cost of reinstatement or repair. If the seller and buyer cannot agree on a reasonable cost of repair, the dispute will follow the compensation dispute procedures under the agreement.

We can help

Insurance companies will be very busy over the coming months assessing properties and processing claims. Given the scale and timing of the extreme weather events this year, this will take some time. There are also likely to be delays in the timeframes for repairs. Both landlords and tenants, and sellers and buyers, will need to be patient, flexible and practical to resolve any issues that may arise. Any agreement made between parties should be recorded in writing.

If you need any help to work through these issues, please don’t hesitate to talk with us.


DISCLAIMER: All the information published in Property eSpeaking is true and accurate to the best of the authors’ knowledge. It should not be a substitute for legal advice. No liability is assumed by the authors or publisher for losses suffered by any person or organisation relying directly or indirectly on this newsletter. Views expressed are those of individual authors, and do not necessarily reflect the view of Edmonds Judd. Articles appearing in Property eSpeaking may be reproduced with prior approval from the editor and credit given to the source.
Copyright, NZ LAW Limited, 2022.     Editor: Adrienne Olsen.       E-mail: [email protected].       Ph: 029 286 3650