Edmonds Judd


Make it clear in the trust deed

In the recent case of Re Merona Trustees Ltd[1], the High Court was asked to determine who the beneficiaries of a trust were as it was not clear who was intended by the phrase the ‘children of the settlors’ that was in the trust deed.


The trust settlors, Merv and Rona, had two daughters together – Lilly and Miffy. Rona also had two sons from a previous marriage when she was very young – Rob and Ray. When Rona’s first marriage broke down, and in the absence of social welfare benefits, she could not afford to keep her sons, and they both went to live with different extended family members. Rob had occasional contact with Rona and, after Rona’s marriage to Merv, Rob was raised by them both. Ray, however, was raised by extended family and had no contact with Rona. It was only as an adult that Ray came to know Rona and the wider family.

Interpreting the trust deed

Rona died in 2013. Merv died in 2020. After Merv’s death, a question arose as to who were the beneficiaries of the trust they had settled.

The question for the High Court was interpreting the trust deed that referred to ‘the children of the Settlors’. Did it mean:

  • The two natural children of Merv and Rona together, being Lilly and Miffy
  • The two natural children of Merv and Rona, as well as Rona’s son Rob, who was raised as a member of Merv and Rona’s family, or
  • The two natural children of Merv and Rona, as well as both of Rona’s sons, Rob and Ray?

High Court hearing

The court heard two main competing arguments.

The trustees primarily argued that ‘the children of the settlors’ meant Rob, Lilly, and Miffy; the ‘children’ did not include Ray. They said that the context in which the trust was established was highly relevant to the interpretation of the trust deed. In particular, a predecessor trust had been established in 1986 before Ray connected with Rona as an adult. The trust in question was settled in 2002, when Rob, Lilly and Miffy were in their forties and fifties.

Even in 2002, after coming to know Ray, Merv and Rona presented to their professional advisors as a couple with three children – Rob, Lilly, and Miffy. Their accountants recorded Merv, Rona, Rob, Lilly and Miffy as the beneficiaries of the trust. The family’s lawyers also understood Rob, Lilly and Miffy to be Merv and Rona’s three adult children. Merv and Rona also signed memoranda of guidance in relation to the trust, that were effectively instructions to the trustees as to their wishes. These memoranda recorded their wish that ‘our children’ benefit from the trust; Rob, Lilly, and Miffy were named, but Ray was not.

Finally, Rona’s will left a bequest each to Rob, Lilly, and Miffy as her children, and an equal but separate bequest to Ray who was described as her ‘birth son.’ She also left him a letter which asked that he be content with this bequest. The court found that by implication, she did not see him as eligible to benefit from the family wealth which was otherwise held in the trust.

On the other side, Ray’s lawyers argued that Ray was also a beneficiary of the trust. They said that once Ray had been reunited with Rona, they developed a close relationship with each other and the wider family. Although Ray was not close with Merv, Ray was included in family gatherings including at Christmas and birthdays. Ray was treated equally with Rob, Lilly, and Miffy in Rona’s will, and he was a part of the family.

The High Court considered that Merv and Rona had brought Rob up as a child of their own, and that it was ‘inconceivable’ that they would have intended to exclude him as a beneficiary of the trust. The documents signed at the time, and subsequently, showed that Merv and Rona thought that Rob was a beneficiary of the trust. In the context of their family, ‘the children of the settlors’ plainly included him. The only question was then whether Ray was also included.


The court found that the language of the trust deed could be interpreted to include Lilly and Miffy as natural children of the settlors, as well as Rob, who was raised within the family unit as though he was a natural child of both Merv and Rona.

The wording of the trust deed, however, could not be interpreted to include Ray. While Ray enjoyed a good relationship with the family when they reconnected, he was not raised as a part of Merv and Rona’s family unit.

Care must be taken

This decision emphasises the importance of clarifying who is intended to be a beneficiary of a trust at the outset. This is particularly necessary in the context of blended families where there may be reasons to differentiate between classes or groups of children.

In this case, the lawyers and accountants were not necessarily aware that Rob was not a child of Merv and Rona. It is possible that if they had known at the outset, the trust deed would have been drafted in a way that made it clear who the beneficiaries were.

If you are concerned about the wording of your trust deed and how it may affect your children, please be in touch to review your trust deed.

[1] Re Merona Trustees Ltd [2022] NZHC 1971.



DISCLAIMER: All the information published in Trust eSpeaking is true and accurate to the best of the authors’ knowledge. It should not be a substitute for legal advice. No liability is assumed by the authors or publisher for losses suffered by any person or organisation relying directly or indirectly on this newsletter. Views expressed are those of individual authors, and do not necessarily reflect the view of Edmonds Judd. Articles appearing in Trust eSpeaking may be reproduced with prior approval from the editor and credit given to the source.
Copyright, NZ LAW Limited, 2022.     Editor: Adrienne Olsen.       E-mail: [email protected].       Ph: 029 286 3650

Bank of children

Children helping their parents

Most of us have heard of the expression ‘Bank of Mum and Dad’ where parents help fund their children to get onto the property ladder or with another investment.


What happens in the reverse situation, however, where children become the ‘bank’ and assist their parents financially?


Why would this happen?

In recent years, parents may have assisted their children in allowing their property to be used as security for borrowings by their children, they could have helped fund the deposit for a child’s first property or provided financial support in a number of other situations.


Sometimes, the boot is on the other foot when parents retire or have their income reduced. That may be the time for children to repay the favour and assist their parents.


Family-wide discussion

If children are considering helping out their parents financially, we recommend that you have a family-wide discussion on what sort of assistance could be provided.


It is important that the entire family is aware of any proposed arrangements, especially if not all of the children are going to be involved. Those children who are assisting may become part-owners of their parents’ property as part of the agreement.


There are various family arrangements that could apply but some children may already own their own home. Other children may already be living with or intend moving in with their parents. All of these circumstances will need to be considered.


Contact your parents’ lender

Presuming the transaction will be funded by a loan, rather than cash from the children to the parents, the next step is for the parents to contact their lender (usually their bank) to discuss its requirements. The lender may require the current lending for the parents to be discharged and an updated finance application in the name of all of the joint owners with new loan documents. Often, the lender requires the added security and details of a child’s income for the application.


See your lawyer

To prevent any future difficulties and dissention in the family, it is important to arrange suitable documents such as a property sharing agreement. This records each party’s responsibility for who and how the family will use the property, loan repayments, maintenance of the property, rates, insurance and a sale process for the property should there be a breakdown in the parties’ relationship or if one of the parties wishes to sell.


A property sharing agreement will be the guiding document for the arrangement. As well as ensuring you have a will in place, the agreement can cover what will happen to the parent’s share of the property when they die. The last thing parents want is a falling out between their children.


Other things to consider

Other considerations for both parents and children include:

  • The children’s ability to use KiwiSaver funds in the future to purchase their own home
  • Current and future relationships of the children
  • Parents moving into a rest home and how subsidies could be affected
  • The alternative of a reverse mortgage, and
  • Review of wills and enduring powers of attorney.



With increases in interest rates and the rise in the cost of living, more retiring parents may face the difficulty of retaining their family home. Rather than the option of a sale, children may be able to assist with the retention of their parents’ home and keeping past memories alive.


DISCLAIMER: All the information published in Fineprint is true and accurate to the best of the authors’ knowledge. It should not be a substitute for legal advice. No liability is assumed by the authors or publisher for losses suffered by any person or organisation relying directly or indirectly on this newsletter. Views expressed are those of individual authors, and do not necessarily reflect the view of Edmonds Judd. Articles appearing in Fineprint may be reproduced with prior approval from the editor and credit given to the source.
Copyright, NZ LAW Limited, 2022.     Editor: Adrienne Olsen.       E-mail: [email protected].       Ph: 029 286 3650

It’s hard to ignore the headlines; the past few years have brought floods, plagues and an unprecedented rise in cyber-attacks. New Zealand businesses have taken the brunt of these events. Some have been pushed to breaking point.


Floods and plagues are tangible events. We can usually see them coming and prepare for the worst. Cyber-attacks are like a bolt of lightning, one minute it’s a sunny day, and the next minute your business is on fire and you are scrambling to mitigate the damage.


Cyber resilience is a measure of how well you can manage a cyber-attack or data breach while continuing to maintain business operations effectively. There are some simple steps you can take to make your business more resilient to cyber-attacks.


Step One: Know what you are trying to protect

All businesses have information that, if lost, would compromise the viability of the business. When considering what you need to protect, think of your information as assets in terms of maintaining their confidentiality, integrity and their availability of access. Which ones are the most important for your business to protect?


Knowing what you need to protect makes it easier to determine whether your cybersecurity protections are sufficient.


Step Two: Mind the gaps

Cyber resilience is more than just having anti-virus installed. Pay attention to the resilience of your people, processes and technology; cyber health checks will identify gaps and recommend improvements. Specialist cyber resilience companies such as Intelligensia provide impartial assessments of your cyber resilience and can liaise with your IT provider to get you the right the level of protection.


Step Three: Know your risk appetite

Know how much risk you are willing to accept for your business. This helps you decide how much you need to invest in cybersecurity protections. For example, if you keep sensitive client information, invest in offline back-ups that can’t be compromised if you succumb to a ransomware attack. An investment in off-line backups will not only minimise the loss of information, but also your downtime.


Step Four: Business impact

During the recent floods, power, phones and the internet were disabled for some time. A cyber-attack on your managed IT services provider or software vendor could similarly leave you with no access to your computer systems or information for extended periods. Think about the business impact if you can’t access your customer, financial or bookings information for an extended period. Use a scenario of not having access to vital tools and information for up to a month. During large scale cyber-attacks, your IT providers will be juggling competing demands to get multiple businesses operational again. Check your service level agreements and know the level of support you can expect.


Step Five: Incident response plan

An incident response plan lets you take a methodical approach to deal with a cyber-attack when it occurs. Many businesses think that calling their IT provider to fix the problem is all that is needed. Certainly, they can fix the technical problems, but you have obligations as well. For instance, you may need to notify the Privacy Commissioner if personal information has been stolen. Failing to report information breaches can result in a hefty fine. Informing customers that you’ve lost their information is another requirement. The way you manage a cyber-attack will determine the impact on your business’s reputation and your customers’ level of trust.


Essential to be cyber resilient

Cyber-attacks are on the rise. They increased 600% during the pandemic; security commentators predict that this year a business will suffer a ransomware attack every eleven seconds. More than 90% are caused by someone clicking on a phishing email. It’s not a case of ‘if’ you get attacked, rather ‘when’. Being cyber resilient puts your business in a much stronger position to weather the storm and recover quickly from a cyber-attack.


If you want your business to survive in today’s digital economy develop your cyber resilience now.


Jan Thornborough established Intelligensia in 2021 after realising that although big organisations were dealing with cyber risks, small and medium-sized business and not-for-profits were being left behind. Intelligensia’s mission is to bring the same level of expertise enjoyed by large companies and government agencies to smaller organisations.


Previously, Jan was head of the cyber resilience unit at New Zealand’s National Cyber Security Centre that helps nationally significant organisations become more cyber resilient.


DISCLAIMER: All the information published in Fineprint is true and accurate to the best of the authors’ knowledge. It should not be a substitute for legal advice. No liability is assumed by the authors or publisher for losses suffered by any person or organisation relying directly or indirectly on this newsletter. Views expressed are those of individual authors, and do not necessarily reflect the view of Edmonds Judd. Articles appearing in Fineprint may be reproduced with prior approval from the editor and credit given to the source.
Copyright, NZ LAW Limited, 2022.     Editor: Adrienne Olsen.       E-mail: [email protected].       Ph: 029 286 3650